Tutorial Pre-test

1. Section 504 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in public or private programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.

2. The district is responsible for identifying and locating all children in the district’s jurisdiction who are disabled under Section 504 whether or not they are enrolled in a public school.

3. Whether a student is protected under Section 504 requires a careful analysis of whether the student is disabled under Section 504 and whether the student requires a Section 504 plan.

4. Conditions resulting from cultural and economic factors, and age are considered to be disabilities under Section 504.

5. Section 504 requires that the impairment substantially limit a major life activity; however, when determining whether students are disabled under Section 504, learning is the only major life activity schools need to consider.

6. Evaluation under Section 504 requires a comprehensive evaluation similar to that required under the IDEA.

7. Even though Section 504 regulations do not contain a requirement for obtaining parental consent, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has interpreted Section 504 to require that districts obtain consent prior to an initial evaluation.

8. A medical diagnosis is not required to establish a disability under Section 504, nor are districts required to implement a Section 504 plan solely on the basis of a physician’s recommendation.

9. One way of meeting the Section 504 “periodic” reevaluation requirement is to implement a reevaluation procedure consistent with the IDEA.

10. Section 504 plan services must be based on information and data collected in the evaluation and disability determination process, and be necessary to ensure that the student’s access to education services are met as adequately as those of his/her nondisabled peers.

11. The Section 504 plan should indicate what services will be provided; how, when, and where they will be provided; and who will be responsible for monitoring implementation of the Section 504 plan.

12. Section 504 regulations require school districts to adopt grievance procedures that incorporate due process standards to resolve any complaints regarding alleged discrimination under Section 504.

13. Providing minimal or no monitoring of the implementation of a plan is a common error in the implementation of a Section 504 Plan.

14. Districts may deny a service animal request if the animal is not necessary for a free appropriate public education (FAPE) required under Section 504.

15. Section 504 procedural safeguards are established to ensure that parents and guardians are fully informed concerning decisions involving their child and of their rights.

16. For a student with a medical condition, it is not necessary to consider a Section 504 plan when the student’s healthcare needs are addressed by an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP).

17. Even if a student is considered disabled under Section 504, the district is only required to implement a Section 504 plan if determined necessary by the Section 504 team.

18. If disciplinary actions constitute a significant change in placement, a school district must conduct a reevaluation of the student including a determination of whether the misconduct is related to the student's disability.

19. A student evaluated under the IDEA and determined ineligible for an individual educational plan (IEP), is automatically covered under Section 504.

20. Some students with disabilities (e.g., students with a speech impairment) may require a Section 504 plan and an individual educational plan (IEP).