School Counseling Consultant

Hiring Salary/Salary Range: $66,000 - $73,500

Salary Plan: Administrative


Organizational Summary:The Institute for School-Community Partnerships, Integrated Services, and Child Mental Health and Educational Policy (ISCP), which is part of the College of Education, envisions that all schools in the state of Florida and nationally will have the capacity to provide a safe, effective, and efficient environment to continuously improve the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students and to actively engage families and communities in education. The ISCP’s nearly $23 million budget is derived from grants from federal, state, and private sources. It is the mission of the ISCP to implement and evaluate research-based and innovative practices in school and community settings. This is accomplished through (a) training, technical assistance, and support to key partners; (b) community-engaged research and program evaluation to inform key partners’ decision making; (c) the development of research and evidence-based documents, tools, and resources to support implementation and evaluation activities; and (d) supporting the infrastructure and capacity of key partners to implement and evaluate federal and state educational policy.

Position Summary: The School Counseling Consultant provides guidance, support, training, and technical assistance (face-to-face, phone, and written) to Florida school district personnel focused on the implementation of effective instruction and intervention processes and practices; strategies for providing school-based mental health prevention and intervention services; and elementary school progression, statewide assessment requirements, acceleration programs, and student educational records. The position collaborates with consultants from other student services professions as part of the Student Support Services Project to develop training, technical assistance, and products designed to promote an integrated approach to research-based practices. The School Counseling Consultant disseminates information and provides strong leadership to school districts, other discretionary projects, and the FDOE regarding the implementation and delivery of effective school counseling practices and programs, promoting best practices and utilization of an integrated student support services model within a multi-tiered system of supports including problem-solving and response to intervention practices.

Special Requirements: This position is located off campus in Tallahassee, FL.

  • Provides guidance, support, training, and technical assistance (face-to-face, phone, and written) to Florida school district personnel focused on the implementation of effective instruction and intervention processes and practices; strategies for providing school-based mental health prevention and intervention services; and elementary school progression, statewide assessment requirements, acceleration programs, and student educational records.
  • Develops and disseminates technical guidance and professional development materials; organizes and facilitates regional trainings and technical assistance sessions to school and district personnel; and provides technical assistance to school district personnel on implementation of integrated student services practices. Promotes best practices in the professional delivery of school counseling services, including the use of an integrated student services model that emphasizes evidence-based instruction and interventions within a multi-tiered system of supports.
  • Collaborates with other state consultants (School Psychology, School Nurse, School Social Work, and Positive Behavior Support) to develop training, technical assistance, and products designed to promote an integrated approach to research-based practices for student services personnel in Florida.
  • Serves as liaison and provides technical assistance to the FDOE, other state and community departments and agencies, professional associations, and university training programs. Provides guidance regarding the role of student services personnel in providing comprehensive services in Florida school districts; best practices in providing services to students at-risk for academic, behavioral, social-emotional, and physical health problems; and facilitating linkages between school districts and other agencies that serve students at-risk.
  • Conducts analyses of proposed legislation and assists in the development and implementation of State Board of Education rules. Bill analyses occur approximately within the two months prior to and throughout the annual Florida legislative session.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
Position Qualifications:
  • Minimium: This position requires a Bachelor's degree in a field directly related to the program responsibilities and two years of professional experience; or Master's degree in an area of specialization appropriate for the program.
  • FLSB1310 Equivalency:
  • 4 years of directly relevant experience may be substituted for bachelor's degree
  • 6 years of directly relevant experience may be substituted for master's degree.
  • Preferred: A Master's degree or higher in school guidance and counseling or related area in student services and five years of experience in school counseling or student services area. Certification as a School Counselor. Experience in a leadership role in school counseling and/or student services. Experience with the delivery of comprehensive school counseling services within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). Experience and knowledge related to elementary school progression, statewide assessment requirements, acceleration programs, student educational records, providing effective school-based mental health services. Experience developing and implementing professional development for school counselors and other student services professions, instructional staff, and educational leaders (school, district, state, university partners).
Directions to apply for this position:
  • Go to Careers@USF at
  • Scroll down and click on Access Careers@USF.
  • Sign In to access your account or if you are not an existing user select the New User link to create one. Note: If you are a current employee of our organization please sign into GEMS Self-Service using MyUSF, to apply for this opening. 
  • On the Careers page, enter 37167 in the Search Jobs field and click >>.
  • Select School Counseling Consultant for a detailed job description.
  • Click the Apply button to begin your application.
  • When applying for an opening you will have the opportunity to upload a cover letter and resume.
  • Apply online by completing the required information and attaching your cover letter and resume. Please include your experience as it relates to the qualifications stated above.  YOUR COVER LETTER AND RESUME, PLUS ANY OTHER REQUESTED MATERIAL, MUST BE IN ONE ATTACHMENT. Only online applications are accepted for this position.
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