Child Abuse Prevention/Foster Care/Homeless Issues

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Technical Assistance from the Florida Department of Education

The FDOE points of contact for foster care are Jennifer Kruis (, Assistant Bureau Chief, Bureau of Federal Educational Programs, and Beverley Wilks (, School Social Work Consultant, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services.

Jennifer will be able to address transportation-related questions.

Beverley will be able to address questions regarding:
  • Identifying school-based supports and services available to meet the needs of students in Foster Care.
  • Identifying barriers to attendance for Foster Care youth and identifying strategies to increase student attendance.
  • Learning how to involve school-based staff in ESSA staffing and Multi-Disciplinary transition staffing and planning.
Technical Assistance Papers (TAPs)
Education of Homeless Children and Youth (FY 2005-007) (August 2005)
Florida DOE Memos

School District Foster Care Requirements in the Every Student Succeeds Act, Effective December 10, 2016 (2016-166) (October 25, 2016)

  • Local Educational Agency (LEA) Checklist Related to Ensuring Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care (PDF Download)
  • Ensuring Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Frequently Asked Questions (PDF Download)
Other Resources
Building Community, Building Hope, 2016/17 Prevention Resource Guide — is a joint product of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Children’s Bureau, its Child Welfare Information Gateway, and the FRIENDS National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention. This annual Resource Guide is one of the Children’s Bureau’s most anticipated publications, offering trusted information, strategies, and resources to help communities support and strengthen families and promote the well-being of children and youth.
Child Abuse and Neglect User Manual Series — Compiled by the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information, this series provides guidance on identifying, preventing, and effectively responding to child maltreatment. Ordering information is available at this site.
Child Abuse Prevention Sourcebook for Florida School Personnel: A Tool for Reporting Abuse and Supporting the Child (Updated 2015) (PDF Download) — Developed by the Student Support Services Project for the Florida Department of Education (in partnership with the Florida Department of Children and Families and the Florida Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services), this sourcebook provides Florida teachers and other school district employees information about their legal responsibilities as mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse and/or neglect, to assist them in recognizing indicators of abuse and neglect, and to better prepare them to support students who have been maltreated.
Foster Care Caregiver's Guide on PreK-12 Education and Related Services — This fact sheet is designed to provide caregivers with information necessary to support the educational process for foster youth in Florida.
Foster Care/Educational Interagency Agreement: Documents and Information — The following resources pertain to the Interagency Agreement between the Florida Department of Children and Families, the Florida Department of Education, the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, and the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities to coordinate services for children served by the Florida Child Welfare System.
  • 2012 Interagency Agreement and Implementation Guide (PDF Download)
  • Electronic Data Sharing Agreement Template (PDF Download)
  • Protocol for Information-Sharing in Accordance with DCF and DOE Interagency Agreement (PDF Download)
Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect — This one-hour course has been designed for teachers in grades 1 through 12, and satisfies the requirement specified in Florida Statute Section 1012.98(12).
Interagency Collaboration between Child Welfare and Educational Agencies to Support the Academic Success of Children and Youth in Foster Care — The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Children's Bureau (CB) has released a new Information Memorandum (ACYF-CB-IM-23-09) that underscores the importance of collaboration between child welfare and education agencies in supporting the unique needs of students in foster care. The Information Memorandum is for child welfare agencies, but the document includes information relevant to your work in educational agencies. In addition to the link shared above, you can access CB’s Information Memorandum via the Legislation & Guidance page on the foster care program website.
Providing Effective Financial Aid Assistance to Students from Foster Care and Unaccompanied Homeless Youth (PDF Download) — This guide will be most useful for college financial aid professionals, independent living coordinators, guidance counselors, financial aid counselors, social workers and advocates who are helping youth to secure the maximum allowable financial aid. Although the document is developed for California use, the information is quite valuable.